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Bush Habitat Restoration Co-operative Limited is a non-distributive co-operative founded in October 2001 by John Diamond (19 September 1947 – 31 December 2019) and Georgina San Roque (now retired.) We are committed to providing a range of high quality specialist services to clients through thoughtful and cost-effective ecological restoration/bush regeneration work that is focused on the needs of the site, particularly in protecting and restoring wildlife habitat.

We work mainly within the area of Greater Sydney and Illawarra region. The experience and skills of our team in ecological restoration is comprehensive, combining tertiary education, fieldwork, teaching, bushcare training, consultancy and administration. Members of the Co-operative have worked in all the major ecological communities of the Sydney and Illawarra regions, including many Endangered Ecological Communities (EECs). Our members are passionate about the natural environment, hence many participate in volunteering work with programs run by government, non-government and not-for-profit organisations.

In the Sydney region we have undertaken ecological restoration work in EECs such as (but not limited to); Cumberland Plain Woodland (critically endangered), Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub (critically endangered), Sydney Blue Gum High Forest (critically endangered), Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest (endangered) and Sydney Freshwater Wetlands (endangered). In the Illawarra, EEC’s include; Illawarra Subtropical Rainforest (endangered), Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest (endangered), Coastal Sand Bangalay-Blackbutt Forest (endangered) and Themeda Grasslands on Coastal Headlands (endangered). We have extensive experience in monitoring  biodiversity using  transects, quadrats and photo-points on regeneration sites.

As part of our commitment to ecological restoration and sustainability Bush Habitat Restoration Co-operative makes yearly donations to support highly trusted organisations such as Birdlife Australia, Bush Heritage Australia, Frog and Tadpole Study Group NSW and Marine Conservation Australia.

We offer:

  • Primary, secondary and maintenance bush regeneration works
  • Fire preparation and post-fire regeneration works
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  • Habitat restoration, enhancement and management
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  • Weed control (i.e. environmental and noxious weeds)
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  • Brushcutting
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  • Chainsawing
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  • Flame weeding
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  • Management of threatened species
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  • Erosion control works (including sediment fencing)
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  • Direct seeding and brushmatting
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  • Mulching
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  • Biodiversity monitoring – transects, quadrats, photo-points and mapping
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  • Volunteer supervision
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  • Seed collection + storage and/or supply
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  • Small-scale revegetation projects
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  • Formulation of Management Plans for various vegetation management applications
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  • Specialist advice
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  • Training and education
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The clients of Bush Habitat Restoration Co-operative includes local and state government departments, private land holders and not-for-profit organisations. Some of the organisations that we have worked with: